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We are creating new military units and strengthening the defence of eastern Poland


The Polish Army has been neglected, disarmed and it’s size has been reduced for many years. Many units and training centres of the army have been liquidated. Russia's aggression against an independent Ukraine has caused drastic changes in the geopolitics of our region. We know that freedom is not given once and for all and, in the face of danger, we must be able to defend it. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has visited the 18th Mechanised Division in Siedlce. Today, this new division is one of the examples that we are rebuilding and modernising the Polish army, creating new military units and encouraging people to serve in the Polish military. We are buying state-of-the-art equipment and organising regular training with allies who are based in our country as part of NATO. Every centimeter of Polish land is safe.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak during a visit to the 18th Mechanized Division in Siedlce.

We are rebuilding and modernising the Polish Army

  • 1st Artillery Regiment in Ciechanów named after Marshal Józef Piłsudski
  • 3rd Mechanised Brigade of Legions named after Romuald Traugutt in Lublin
  • 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in Siedlce
  • 1st Warsaw Mechanized Division named after Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Those are some of the military units liquidated by 2015. Until then, the threat from the East was underestimated. However, soon enough, we have realised that the policy of reducing the army was a wrong approach leading nowhere. - We are going to defend every square centimetre of Polish land. The Suwałki Gap is safe, Brama Brzeska, Siedlce as a whole, that entire territory of the Republic is also safe. Because for us purchasing the weapon for the Polish army, increasing the strength of the Polish army, strengthening the presence of NATO troops on the territory of the Republic of Poland is the greatest, absolute priority -  stressed Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during his visit to the military unit.

In 2017, we established the Territorial Defence Forces, which consist of tens of thousands of soldiers today.

In 2018, we created the 18th Mechanised Division, which uses the most modern military equipment today.

In 2012, we established the Cyberspace Defense Forces creating a new branch of the armed forces at the same time.

We have also started the formation of another division - the 1st Legions Infantry Division in the Podlaskie Voivodeship.

The largest investments in defense in the history of the Republic of Poland

- We are well aware that it was the sealing of the financial system, the repair of that system, that made it possible to finance the huge expenditure on the armament, the huge expenditure on admitting new soldiers to the Polish army. This is happening right before our eyes -  said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. - We have healed public finances and armed the Polish soldier – stressed the Prime Minister.

It is the good situation of public finances that makes the unprecedented modernisation of our army possible. Stable and increasing revenue of the state budget enable greater investment in the security of our homeland. The 2023 budget adopted by the Sejm provides for defence spending in the amount of PLN 97.4 billion, or nearly 4% of GDP. In 2015, it was only PLN 37 billion, or 2.2% of GDP. This is an increase of more than 160%.

The additional financial outlay on the army is allocated to recruitment, increasing the salaries of the soldiers and modernisation of weapon and equipment, inter alia.

Since 2015, the number of soldiers in the Polish Armed Forces has increased from 95,000 to approximately 164,000 – it is proof that serving in the Polish army is an attractive employment and a source of pride for many people today.

State-of-the-art equipment for Polish soldiers

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defence Mariusz Blaszczak, have visited the 18th Mechanised Division in Siedlce. It is one of the youngest units in the Polish Army and one of units that receive modern military vehicles purchased as part of the modernisation of the Polish army.

- Today, we are bringing K2 tanks and K9 howitzers to Poland, HIMARS rockets have also been ordered and are coming to Poland soon. There are already Patriots in Poland - state-of-the-art anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems. We are importing the most modern equipment to Poland and we are manufacturing our own - like Krabs or Thunderbolts - said the head of the government on the subject of modernising the Polish army.

2022 is a breakthrough year for the Polish Army

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