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2nd Arab Culture Week online


On 10-14 May 2021 the "2nd Arab Culture Week online" was organized by the Arabic Studies Student Research Group at the University of Warsaw. It was granted the Honorary Patronage of H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the State of Qatar, Mr. Janusz Janke, whose speech opened the third day of the event.


The aim of the project was to promote a better understanding of Arab-Muslim culture in Poland. The program of the event included lectures on various topics from Syrian cuisine to the development of museums in Qatar. In addition, interesting conversations with Bassem Akiki, a Polish-Lebanese conductor and composer, currently the music director of the Wrocław Opera, and Hatif Janabi, a Polish-Iraqi poet, author of the latest 900-page book "Anthology of Polish Poetry published in Arabic" were held.

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Qatar actively supported and promoted the initiative through our social media accounts. A coverage of the "2nd Arab Culture Week online" also appeared in the Qatari daily The Peninsula. The article can be found here:
