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7th edition of European Jazz Festival in Doha


During the 7th edition of the European Jazz Festival in Doha on 4 November the Embassy organized a concert of Polish artists: Monika Borzym, vocalist and Krzysztof Dys, pianist. The duet presented a repertoire from the music and literary project "Monika sings old songs".


On the stage arranged at the Cultural Village Foundation - Katara a number of modern arrangements of pre-war jazz standards were played, among others, by Jerzy Petersburski or Henryk Wars. Due to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the audience, the artist also performed several popular American jazz classics. The atmosphere of the concert and the artistic skills of the performers were met with great appreciation of the audience, including not only Poles living in Qatar, but also representatives of The Cultural Village Foundation-Katara, a leading partner of the event, members of the cluster of the EU National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC), representatives of the EU Delegation in Kuwait and members of the cultural, scientific and business communities invited by the embassy.

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