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Ambassador’s visit to the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency


On April 15th Ambassador Janusz Janke met with the acting head of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA), Mr. Janusz Janiszewski. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the current cooperation and prospects for its development between the agency and the relevant institutions in Qatar.


The host of the meeting expressed thanks to the embassy for its commitment to promoting information about the agency's services in Qatar and support for its activities, including on the occasion of the Polish-Qatari virtual roundtable on November 9, 2020. During the meeting, Ambassador J. Janke emphasized that cooperation in the field of civil aviation is one of the most important and prospective areas of Polish-Qatari relations. He pointed out that the development of infrastructure and capabilities in this area, as well as the exchange of experiences with other countries play a significant role for Qatar, especially for Qatar Civil Aviation Authority and Qatar Airways. The interlocutors also discussed the plan for joint activities of the agency and the embassy in 2021.

