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Meeting with H.E. Mr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud, Speaker of the Shura Council


On March 31st H.E. Mr. Janusz Janke paid a visit to the headquarters of the Consultative Assembly of the State of Qatar (Majlis As-Shura). During the meeting with its Speaker , H.E. Mr. Ahmed Bin Abdulla Al Mahmoud, he provided information about the Internet Governance Forum , which will be organized in December 2021 in Katowice and discussed the possibility of deepening relations between the Shura Council and the Polish parliament.


The presented the concept of the planned summit and drew attention to the planned parliamentary component of the event. The Shura’s speaker expressed the conviction that it is an important initiative that reflects Poland's strong position on the international arena. Thus, he assured the active participation of the Qatari side in the summit and mentioned the actions taken so far to extend cooperation between Poland and Qatar.

During the meeting, the host highlighted the threats resulting from the inappropriate use of the Internet and both interlocutors agreed on the need to cooperate to ensure cyber security.

In that context the formation of the Polish-Qatari parliamentary group in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Lower house of the Polish parliament) was highlighted. H.E. the Speaker also informed about the appointment of its 5-person counterpart in the Qatari Assembly.

