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Meeting with the Minister of Transport and Communications


On October 26th Ambassador Janusz Janke was received by the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mr. Jassim bin Saif Al Sulaiti. The discussions covered bilateral relations in the area of aviation, logistics and communication technologies, as well as ways to develop them further.

AJJ Min Al Sulaiti

The ambassador thanked Minister Al Sulaiti for his efforts to deepen the Polish-Qatari cooperation in the field of aviation and communication technologies, emphasizing potential new opportunities in the area of ​​civil aviation management, modern cloud technologies and tools, along with joint training and exchange of know-how. The Minister confirmed Qatar's interest in developing relations with Poland in the above-mentioned areas, underlining security, including cyber security, artificial intelligence and cloud solutions as examples of priorities. He also invited Polish institutions and companies to participate in the next year's edition of the Qatar IT Conference and Exhibition (QITCOM).The ambassador thanked Minister Al Sulaiti for his efforts to deepen the Polish-Qatari cooperation in the field of aviation and communication technologies, emphasizing potential new opportunities in the area of ​​civil aviation management, modern cloud technologies and tools, along with joint training and exchange of know-how. The Minister confirmed Qatar's interest in developing relations with Poland in the above-mentioned areas, underlining security, including cyber security, artificial intelligence and cloud solutions as examples of priorities. He also invited Polish institutions and companies to participate in the next year's edition of the Qatar IT Conference and Exhibition (QITCOM).
