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Polish-Qatari collaboration in the health sector


On February 24th ambassador Janusz Janke met with dr. Salih Al Marri, Deputy Minister responsible for health issues in the Ministry of Public Health. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of further cooperation in the field of healthcare management, IT technologies for this sector, as well as the development of academic and scientific exchanges.


The interlocutor emphasized Qatar's interest in deepening bilateral cooperation in the field of healthcare, and also expressed his recognition for Poland's potential in this area, both in the field of research and development, staff training and the quality of medical education. He offered his support to the embassy in promoting the offer of Polish enterprises and universities in this sector, including in the field of sports medicine. Ambassador J. Janke expressed his appreciation to Qatar for effective crisis management during the pandemic. He also drew attention to the growing interest of Polish entities in looking for opportunities in Qatar, as evidenced by the Polish-Qatari business roundtable held in November 2020.

The initiatives undertaken by the parties would implement the Agreement on cooperation in the field of medical sciences and health protection between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the State of Qatar concluded in Warsaw on May 5th 2017.
