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Qatar Financial Center participate in Wolves Summit


On 24th and 25th May, Ms. Abby Chan, vice president of Qatar Financial Center for business development, took part in Wolves Summit 2022 in Wrocław. The event was an opportunity to meet Polish and European start-ups and promote Qatar as an attractive place to locate Polish companies in the Gulf region.

QFC Wolves Summit

In addition to participation in the main programme of the event, the QFC representative held a series of meetings with Polish companies in the area of new technologies, as well as with representatives of similar institutions operating on European markets. She met with Michael Chaffe, CEO of Wolves Summit regarding the possible cooperation of the two institutions in the future.

Moreover, on 26th May, Ms Chan conducted a workshop at Targi Kielce. "Navigating Digital Opportunities in Qatar", which was attended by Polish entrepreneurs, including members of the Kielce Technology Park.
