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Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland at the Qatari Diar


On 18 November the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Janusz Janke, visited the headquarters of Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company.

Spotkanie amb. J. Janke z CEO Qatari Diar, Abdullą Hamadem Al-Attiyah

The Qatari Diar, established by the Qatar Investment Authority, is currently running one of the biggest global development projects – the DIAR Lusail in Qatar. 

The Executive Director of Qatari Diar, eng. Abdulla Hamad Al-Attiyah, the company’s Investment Director, Ahmad Mohammad Al Tayeb and Human Resources Director, Ahmed Mohamemed Khalifa Al Sada met the Ambassador and the accompanying delegation.


The Ambassador presented the sound investment environment of Poland, its economic potential and presented various cooperation opportunities. A working visit of the heads of local EU missions in Qatari Diar was also discussed.
