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Diplomatic relations between Poland and Republic of Singapore were established on April 12, 1969.

Political cooperation

Political cooperation after 1997

Diplomatic relations between Poland and Republic of Singapore were established on April 12, 1969 but the Polish Ambassador has been based in Singapore since 2004. Singapore has no permanent diplomatic mission in Poland. The non-resident Ambassador of Singapore to Poland visits our country twice a year.

Singapore Honorary Consulate-General in Warsaw commenced operations in 2019.

Recent years have brought an intensification of political cooperation both bilateral and multilateral, especially within the UN and its specialized agencies. The tightening of bilateral contacts was proved by high-level visits: the visit of the President of Singapore to Poland in 2017, the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland to Singapore in 2018, meetings of head of governments (last one in 2018 in the margins of the ASEM - Asia-Europe Meeting Summit, in Brussels) as well as visits at the ministerial level in 2019, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation in Singapore.

Economic cooperation

Although Singapore is a relatively small market, it is one the biggest export markets for Polish products in South-East Asia. Unfortunately, since 2015 the bilateral trade has been shrinking, mostly due to the difficult situation of the Singaporean marine and offshore industry (OME), which remains under strong pressures related to negative trends in crude oil market. Traditionally Polish trade with Singapore was driven by vessels (more than 80% of Polish exports and more than 35% of its imports). In 2017, vessels still constituted the biggest category in Polish exports to Singapore, but their share dropped down to nearly 33%  and was followed by machines and mechanical and electrical equipment (25%), non-precious metal products (10,5%), mineral products (7%), agriculture and food products (6%), optical, measuring and medical instruments (4,6%), chemical industry products (3%), and plastic products (3%). Poland imports from Singapore mostly machines and mechanical and electrical equipment (59%), chemical industry products (15%), vessels (11%), optical, measuring and medical instruments (11%), and plastic products (4%). High dependence of bilateral trade on OME has encouraged both sides to look for diversification of trade exchange. Potentially promising categories for increasing Polish exports to Singapore could be  machinery and mechanical equipment, precision instruments, furniture or food products. The construction sector and export of Polish construction materials to Singapore also belong to new and promising areas of cooperation. Further tightening of bilateral cooperation between Poland and Singapore, including in particular economic, tourist and people-to-people exchange, will be supported by the direct flight operations between Warsaw and Singapore. Such a regular air connection was launched by LOT Polish Airlines in May 2018.    

Poland, as a member of the European Union, with rapidly growing economy, large internal market and well educated and relatively inexpensive human resources, could serve as a gateway for Singaporean investors to expand further to European market. It could become a good manufacturing spot for Singaporean partners in automotive and aviation industries, a good partner for R&D in transport industry (autonomous vehicles) or an interesting location for the real estate investments (hotels, serviced apartments). In 2016, stock of direct investment by Singaporean companies in Poland accounted for slightly above 25 million US dollars, while Polish investments in Singapore reached the level of 120 million US dollars. According to the Singaporean Ministry of Trade and Industry there were nearly 100 Polish companies registered in Singapore in 2017. Growing interest from Polish companies is observed mostly in IT industry, financial innovations (fintech) and e-commerce. Some of these companies provide their services from Poland. However, more and more companies are opting to open their regional headquarters in Singapore (eg RTB House, IgoriaCards, CyberProductivity, Ailleron). Polish IT specialists (programmers) are very valuable and sought after by local employers. Big potential for cooperation also exists in the field of cyber security. The Singaporean companies in Poland invested mostly in manufacturing, transport and logistics, sales and marketing. Among the companies, which invested in Poland are APL Logistics (APLL), Hi-P International, Flex Ltd (Flextronics), Amtek Engineering, Ternary Technologies, Charles & Keith, MP & Silva or Sivantos.

Singapore and Poland are looking forward to the early ratification of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA) to boost economic links between the two countries. In April 2018, the European Commission presented outcome of negotiations with Singapore to the Council together with draft decisions authorizing EC to sign the agreement. Once approved by the Council, the agreement will be sent to the European Parliament, aiming for the entry into force of its trade part before the end of the current mandate of the European Commission in 2019. The investment protection part will follow its ratification procedure also at Member State level. Although Singapore already provides tariff-free access for the majority of imported goods, the excessive removal of NTBs provided by FTA can create new opportunities for Polish manufacturers,  both in our direct trade exchange with Singapore and through supply chains in Europe. Investment protection provisions, provisions on establishment and the opening of government procurement markets will allow for greater investment to flow between Singapore and Poland.  Liberalization of cross-border supply of services and its indirect impact on investments can also add to the list of benefits. FTA solidifies a high level of market access for European computer service providers. Companies will be able to provide services, either from Europe, or by establishing a commercial presence in Singapore, with the same conditions that apply to local companies. The agreement also recognizes the importance of the free flow of information on the Internet, while ensuring data protection and respect for intellectual property rights. Poland, as the IT powerhouse in Europe with well-developed business services, e-commerce and fintech companies, should definitely take an advantage. The trade and investment agreements with Singapore are the EU's first completed bilateral deals with a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The agreements with Singapore set up high standards and rules for negotiation of future region-to-region trade and investment agreement between the EU and ASEAN. As the role of ASEAN countries in Poland’s trade is constantly growing, the country is also interested in smooth and fast negotiations of trade agreement with the block.

EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA)
Poland in Statistics
Polish Investment and Trade Agency - Singapore Office
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Investment and Development
Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology

Cultural cooperation

Polish Festival in Singapore called PolandSHIOK has been organized since 2017. The festival aims to reach the awareness of Singaporeans, create positive associations with Poland and promote Polish products available on the local market. A very important element of PolandSHIOK is cooperation with local partners who are involved in festival activities: the cooperation of chefs, artists and businesses bring very good results to the recipients of our festival. In 2019, as part of the third edition of the festival, 21 events took place, which were attended by over 10,000 people. However, information about the festival reached up to over 250,000 people.

Polish Festival in Singapore – PolandSHIOK


Cooperation in the field of science

Since 2005, one of the pillars of cooperation in the area of science and technology between Poland and Singapore has been based on Memoranda of Understanding with Singapore’s  Agency for Science, Technology and Research and its Polish partners. The latest Memorandum of Understanding was signed between A*STAR and Poland’s National Centre of Research and Development which was signed in May 2017 during the official visit of then President of Singapore Mr Tony Tan to Poland and will be in force till February 2020. Since the first agreement, four bilateral grant calls for joint research projects have been launched with more than 20 research project funded as a result. Polish students and Ph.D. candidates can pursue educational opportunities in Singapore offered by A*STAR Graduate Academy programmes such as Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA), Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) oraz A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP). Researchers and students from Singapore wishing to study in Poland may apply for scholarships under the programmes offered by Poland’s National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Based on more than a dozen partner agreements concluded between Polish and Singaporean universities, around 80 students from each side participate in student exchange programmes between Poland and Singapore every year. 

Recognition of academic qualifications
Poland’s National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)