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Change of regulations related to Covid-19 restrictions in Poland


From 28 March, most of the Covid-19 restrictions in Poland will be lifted.

New Covid-19 Regulations 28032022

From 28 March, most of the restrictions related to Covid-19 have been lifted including:

  1. the order to wear a mask (except for buildings where medical activities are carried out and in pharmacies – by 30 April 2022);
  2. the order to present a vaccination certificate when crossing the border;
  3. quarantine, isolation or isolation at home, submission to mandatory quarantine after crossing the border of the Republic of Poland;
  4. the requirement to have a negative result of a diagnostic test for COVID-19 when crossing the border of the Republic of Poland from countries outside the Schengen / EU area.

Detailed information on the regulations governing entry into Poland, as well as current restrictions, are available on the websites of the Border Guard.

Legal basis: Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of February 25, 2022, on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders, and bans related to the epidemic (Journal of Laws, item 679).
