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UN Week – 75 anniversary of the United Nations


The MFA organised a series of expert panels and an information and promotional campaign under the slogan “UN Week” to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Organisation.


“The purpose of the UN coming into existence after the tragic experience of the Second World War was to prevent another global conflict. Even though the UN efficiency is often contested, it has to be admitted that the Organisation has lived up to its founders’ expectations,” noted Minister Rau in his summary of this week’s virtual debates on the key aspects of UN operations.

Saturday, 24 October 2020, will see the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. On this occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the United Nations Association Poland launched the UN Week, a series of virtual debates where diplomats, academics and practitioners discussed the UN’s priority areas of operation and Polish presence therein.

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau inaugurated today’s panel “What kind of Poland in what kind of UN?” He also summarised the events of the UN Week, which focused on the Organisation’s main areas of interest – human rights, peace and security, and development. The head of Polish diplomacy also highlighted a specific role of the youth and their increased engagement in UN’s activities.

Referring to the historic moment of the UN’s 75th anniversary, in his speech the top Polish diplomat underlined that “UN’s activities are hardly measurable and difficult to assess. Yet in my opinion, the United Nations positive contribution is unquestionable and no real alternative exists for this organization.”

Referring to Poland’s commitment, Minster Rau recalled our recent Security Council membership and Polish soldiers’ return to service under UN peacekeeping missions in 2019. He also drew the listeners’ attention to Poland’s activities aimed to protect human rights with special focus on the most disadvantaged groups – children and the disabled – and the protection of freedom of religion and belief, which are the priorities of Poland’s current UN Human Rights Council membership.

One of the panellists was Deputy Foreign Minister Piotr Wawrzyk, who spoke about UN tasks which are of vital importance for Poland, priority activities and the Organisation’s reform.

The recorded discussions and speeches of the UN Week are available (in Polish only) here.

