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Covering aggression. Russian information campaign against Ukraine

Russian propaganda is carrying out multi-element propaganda activities aimed at covering up the Kremlin's aggressive stance towards Ukraine.

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For many weeks, Russian propaganda has been carrying out information campaigns aimed at masking the Kremlin's decisions to increase tensions in eastern Ukraine.

Since the beginning of April, Russian propaganda has been publishing texts aimed at convincing that Ukraine and NATO are preparing for a war with Russia. The occasion to launch actions against Russia was to be, inter alia, Defender Europe 2021 exercise.

In other texts, Ukraine is accused of conducting air raids, including an attack that resulted in the death of a few-year-old child. The texts present Ukraine as an aggressive side that threatens peace.

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The propaganda publications also cite accusations against Ukraine of breaking the Minsk arrangements, the implementation of which must be revived. The texts present the Russian rebels from Donetsk and Luhansk as the legitimate authorities and partners for talks for Kiev.

Russian propaganda has consistently masked its aggressive actions, claiming that "Russia has never threatened" any other country, and that it is not and has not been aggressive towards Ukraine.

A similar message is presented, among others, by the president of Belarus, who argues that peace in eastern Ukraine "depends on Ukraine" and its decision to return to the Minsk arrangements. The texts are an attempt to convince that Ukraine is the aggressive party on which peace depends.

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Various accusations against Kiev appear in publications, incl. that he does not control his army operating in the Donbas region. Ukraine, the USA, Poland and other Western countries are accused of provocations.

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The most important representatives of the Kremlin, including Dmitry Peskov and the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, have joined in the attacks on the West in recent weeks. The latter attacked, among others the USA for "interfering in the affairs of Ukraine in 2014," and lied about Russia's annexation of Crimea, claiming that the peninsula's affiliation with Russia was determined by its inhabitants in a referendum.

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There are also accusations against Poland in the publications. The portal involved in the information fight against the Republic of Poland writes, inter alia, that Poland "facilitates" the escalation of tensions by supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

The Russian media are also distributing insinuations about the military presence of Polish soldiers in Ukraine, suggesting that they will conduct conflict-provoking activities. In other publications, Poland is accused of counting on the collapse of Ukraine and the return of some of its lands to Poland.

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Russian propaganda is carrying out multi-element propaganda activities aimed at covering up the Kremlin's aggressive stance towards Ukraine. The aim is to mislead audiences about Moscow's actions towards Ukraine.

The Kremlin is trying to cover up its own aggressive policy and blame NATO countries, mainly the USA and Poland, for the escalation of the situation in Ukraine. The campaign in question is an example of the use of information tools to mask real political and military activities aimed at another country and the security of the entire region.

Spokesperson of Minister Special Services Coordinator
