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No breakthrough at the front


The latest achievements of the Ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield confirm the correctness of the decision to hand over weapons to Ukraine, taken in the early phase of Russian aggression. It does not mean though that the war has reached a turning point. Russians are preparing themselves to a next phase of the invasion.


Ukrainians prove that they can make good use not only of older generation equipment, but also of modern platforms and systems. They show creativity and an unconventional approach - investment in training pays off here - and high morale.

Thus, they contradict the arguments that rearming a victim of aggression contributes to the prolongation of the conflict, and the only solution is to lay down arms. However, the Ukrainians must have a chance to win - and we can and should give the Ukrainians this chance.

The support must continue. Only failures on the battlefield can thwart Russia's political plans towards Ukraine and persuade Russians to reflect and withdraw from a blind alley in which they have stuck with their neo-imperial policy. Latest reports clearly show that the Kremlin does not intend to ease off – a decision concerning a partial mobilisation and another announcement of referenda on the occupied Ukrainian territories are a clear signal that Russia is not planning to end the invasion or even it indicates that Russia will proceed to another phase of the aggression.

There are more and more voices in the Russian infosphere, despite a huge pressure of the censorship, questioning the sense of the war, which, instead of proving Russia's power, provides more and more examples of its weakness.

The Russian economy is not a "lonely island" and is already feeling the effects of sanctions imposed against it in the face of the aggression against Ukraine. This is not the time to change the policy of the West - we need consistency, and the Ukrainians need our support.

Stanisław Żaryn

Government Plenipotentiary for the Security of Information Space of the Republic of Poland
