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Poland’s ABW detains man under the thumb of the Russian intelligence


The suspect’s activities remained in line with the Russian information warfare activities aimed at weakening the position of Poland within the EU and in the international arena.


On May 31st, 2021, the officers Poland’s counter-intelligence service – the Internal Security Agency (ABW) – detained Janusz N. (name withheld under Poland’s privacy laws) on suspicion of spying for Russia. Based on intelligence collected by the investigators, upon the court’s decision he has been remanded in custody for the period of three months.

The suspect carried out activities in favour  of the Russian Federation. Instructed by individuals working for the Russian intelligence services, he would attempt to approach Polish and foreign politicians, including those working in the European Parliament.

The suspect’s activities – conducted in Poland, the EU Member States and elsewhere – remained in line with the Russian information warfare activities aimed at weakening the position of Poland within the EU and in the international arena. As part of the investigation, the officers of the ABW have searched Janusz N.’s place of residence, as well as the offices of other entities linked to the suspect. This resulted in in the seizure of over PLN 300,000 (partly in EUR) and a large number of data carriers.

He has been presented with charges of espionage for the intelligence services of the Russian Federation directed against the interests of the Republic of Poland and is now facing prison term of up to 10 years. The man pleads not guilty.

Spokesman for Poland’s Minister-Special Services Coordinator
