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Ponzi scheme. Further detainees


At least 400 people have been harmed financially. Losses of at least PLN 20 million. Seven more persons detained by the CBA.

Fot. CBA

Under the supervision of the District Prosecutor's Office in Rzeszów, the officers of the Regional Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau in Rzeszów have been investigating leading a number of persons to disadvantageous disposal of property by misleading them as to the intention of investing financial means provided by them. Findings so far indicate that in the operation of this Ponzi scheme nearly 400 people could have lost over PLN 20 million. In connection with the case, seven persons were detained, including the president of one of the entities involved in the crime, plenipotentiaries and persons engaged in attracting clients for the companies. The activities have been carried out in the territory of Małopolska, Śląsk and Mazowsze.

On the basis of the evidence collected, it has been established that the detained persons, acting within an organised crime group, raised funds by concluding a crowdfunding agreement for various entities controlled by one of the suspects. The funds paid in were transferred to the bank accounts of other controlled business entities, including foreign companies and individuals, and these activities bear legal attributes of the criminal offence of "money laundering". The investigators' findings indicate that it was a long-term practice that took place between 2014 and 2019.  

This is another operation in this case. Previously, charges were pressed against three persons.

Source: CBA
