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Russian aggressor plays time wasting


The decision to withdraw Russian troops from the west bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson Oblast does not mean a breakthrough during Russia's war against Ukraine. There are also no signs that this decision will change Russia's strategy. Russia continues its hostilities, while its main goals remain unchanged - it is about destroying the present shape of the Ukrainian state and its political domination over Ukraine.

Fot. DBN

The Russian actions near Kherson have their tactical justification. The decision to withdraw the Russians may be a form of Russia buying time. The Kremlin is currently facing the necessity to reconstruct its logistic base for the needs of servicing troops reinforced with soldiers from the mobilization order. The withdrawal of Russian troops gives Russia the need for that time.

An analysis of Russian actions shows that the withdrawal of forces is taking place in a better planned and less chaotic manner than it was, for example, in the vicinity of Kharkiv. The troops retreating from the vicinity of Chersoń carry out activities that hinder the Ukrainian offensive - they destroy bridges and expand minefields in that area. These actions are aimed at further terrorizing Ukrainians, including the civilian population. However, they also have military goals - the Russians will be interested in tying up Ukrainian forces in the vicinity of Kherson, so that Kyiv will not be able to concentrate on activities in other regions of Ukraine.

Russia's actions also have propaganda goals. Immediately after the announcement of the decision, Kremlin officials began to suggest that the decision to withdraw forces from Kherson should be read as an expression of goodwill and openness to dialogue. It seems that these actions are designed to create a false image of Russia's readiness to negotiate with Ukraine. This is a misleading message that is not supported by real facts or the actions of the authorities in the Kremlin.

The decision to withdraw the Russian forces is a realization of military and propaganda goals. It in no way signifies a breakthrough at the front, nor is it a harbinger of changes in the Kremlin's policy. Russia is a country based on lies and benefiting from systemic disinformation, so the defenders of Ukraine and the West should not jump to conclusions. Russia has repeatedly carried out similar efforts to confuse countries under attack or pressure.

Government Plenipotentiary for Information Space Security of the Republic of Poland
