Security alerts on the territory of Poland
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has signed a new ordinance that extends on the whole territory of Poland the second security alert BRAVO and the third security alert CRP (CHARLIE-CRP). Both security alerts will be valid through 15 May, 2022 (11:59 p.m.).
Security alerts are introduced by the Prime Minister under provisions of the Law of June 10, 2016 on Anti-Terrorist Activities.
The BRAVO alert is a preventive measure, reflecting the current dynamic geopolitical situation in the region and Ukraine, as well as increased cross-border traffic, while the CRP alert has been introduced in order to prevent threats in cyberspace.
The BRAVO alert is the second out of four levels of alerts and may be introduced if there is an increased threat of an event of terrorist character or such a threat is anticipated, but the target of a potential attack has not be identified.
The CHARLIE-CRP related to the security in cyberspace, is the third out of four levels of CRP alerts provided for by the Law on Anti-Terrorist Activities. The alert is introduced if an event occurs that confirms the probable target of a terrorist attack in cyberspace or when credible information about a planned event is obtained.
The main purpose of security alerts is to increase vigilance of all the services protecting Poland’s security and of the public administration.
Once a security alarm is introduced, it is important to pay attention to all nonstandard situations and potential threats, such as: people behaving in an unusual way, things left in public places, suitcases and backpacks, vehicles (especially vans) parked next to places of gatherings.
When a security alert is in force, security depends not only on the actions undertaken by the services concerned, but also on how administrators of public facilities, who are obliged to carry out enhanced control, are prepared.
All alarming and unusual situations and threats should be reported to the Police by calling the 112 emergency number.
Spokesperson for the Minister Coordinator of Special Services