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The operation against Poland continues


The situation along the Polish-Belarusian border remains tense. The first days of the new year have shown that the Lukashenko regime continues its aggressive hybrid operation against Poland and the EU. Further attempts to cross the border illegally are reported every day. During these attempts Polish officers and soldiers are attacked by aggressive groups of migrants, supported by the Belarusian services.

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A decrease in the number of illegal attempts to cross the Polish-Belarusian border - compared to the second half of 2021 - does not, in spite of appearances, mean a calming of the situation. The migrant groups trying to force the border are now less numerous but even more aggressive. Foreigners are still brought by the Belarusian side to the border, where, with the support of the Belarusian services, they attack Polish officers and soldiers and destroy border security. Tree branches, stones, bricks, sharp light and laser beams are directed at Polish patrols. In addition, the Belarusian services - as before - are carrying out other numerous activities aimed at provoking the Polish border defenders or weakening morale among them.

Migrants are provided with instructions on where and how to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland. The Belarusian officers are constantly monitoring the situation on the Polish side, searching for new ways to cross the border illegally. Recently, the Polish Border Guard has reported on foreigners from Africa who tried to enter Poland via the Svisloch River using a dinghy, as well as on citizens of India who crossed the Suprasl River on foot in a place of low water level.

The border events are accompanied by aggressive information activities aimed at proving that Poland is responsible for creating the migration crisis, and that Polish border defenders pose a threat to the security of the entire region. It is achieved by for example shows made by the deserter Emil C., who for the purpose of Belarusian and Russian propaganda, keeps on telling untrue stories about alleged crimes committed by the Polish side.

There is no indication that the situation on Poland's eastern border will calm down in the near future. The actions of the Belarusian regime make it impossible to lose vigilance even for a moment. The fact that the border remains tight and secure is due to the determination and hard work of the Border Guard, the Police and the soldiers of the Polish Army.

Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator
