15.02.202130th anniversary of the Visegrad cooperationThirty years ago, on 15 February 1991, the presidents of Poland and Czechoslovakia, and the prime minister of Hungary signed the Declaration on Cooperation between the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Hungary in Striving for European Integration in the castle of Visegrad, Hungary.
27.01.2021WEBINAR "Legacy of Auschwitz: Research, Education and Public Memory"In relation to 76th Anniversary of The Liberation of German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and International Holocaust Remembrance Day on JANUARY 27th The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the Kingdom of Sweden would like to herby invite to a webinar:
24.12.2020Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!On behalf of the entire team of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm, we wish you a joyful and beautiful Christmas and many successes in the New Year!
09.12.2020Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki about Polish veto to EU budgetthe whole article in todays Dagens Industri and in on-line version.
03.12.2020The EU tends to take its failures out on Poland and Hungary - an interview of Prime Minister Morawiecki for FAZToday, on Thursday, December 3, an interview with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, is published for the Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - a comprehensive text on EU budget matters. Below we present the text in English.
01.12.2020Invitation to virtual event with Minister Michał Kurtyka on the Challenges and Opportunities of Poland's Energy TransitionInvitation: Virtual fireside chat with H.E. Michał Kurtyka, Poland’s first Minister of Climate and Environment December 4, 10:00 - 11:00 am EST
26.11.2020Video podcast - WEBINAR Belarus Between Threats and OpportunitiesVideo recording of a webinar that took place 25th of November. It was very interesting discussion. Thank you all for joining us that day. For those who could not particitpate we weclome you to watch it from the link below.
19.11.2020Webinar: "Belarus Between Threats and Opportunities"INVITATION: The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the Kingdom of Sweden and the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Kingdom of Sweden would like to hereby invite to a webinar:
17.11.2020Michal Kurtyka - OECD candidate CVMichał Kurtyka, PhD - Polish candidate for OECD Secretary-General
16.11.2020Michał Kurtyka, presents his ideas for OECD - video podcastHere you can find video recording of presentation of Michał Kurtyka, PhD, for the post for Secretary-General of the OECD