WEBINAR: The Russian Federation- Challenges and Trends Impacting Central and Northern European Security
- video recording of the webinar
This is recording of the webinar that took place November 16th, 2021.
It was organized by The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm and the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Stockholmtogether with the Atlantic Council in Stockholm.
Its main goal was to discuss the security outlook for Central and Northern Europe in the face of continued challenges. Following NATO’s recent expulsion of 8 Russian diplomats, Russia has suspended its representative mission to NATO in Brussels and withdrawn accreditation for NATO’s Mission in Moscow. Europe continues to debate its reliance on Russia for energy, including the NordStream 2 pipeline. The conflict continues in Ukraine.
How should Russia's recent actions at home and abroad be perceived?
What are the prospects for an improved relationship between the West and Russia? How do we best engage?