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Brexit – it’s worth getting a residence permit in the context of EES/ETIAS (reminder)


United Kingdom nationals and their families who are beneficiaries of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement can continue to apply for a residence permit containing an endorsement referring to the Withdrawal Agreement (if they have not already done so). Having such a document is beneficial as it will exempt from future Entry/Exit System (EES) registration when crossing external borders and from the need to obtain an ETIAS travel permit in relation to short-term travel to EU/Schengen countries.

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In Poland, in respect of the residence status of UK citizens and their families the declaratory system has been applied. There is no obligation to obtain a residence permit as a condition for legal stay in the country. However, taking into account practical considerations, it is recommended that all beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement should obtain new residence permits containing the endorsement referring to the Withdrawal Agreement.

Their possession will facilitate the exercise of the rights of the beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement and will exempt from future registration in the Entry/Exit (EES) System when crossing external borders, and from the need to obtain the ETIAS travel permit in connection with short-term travel to EU/Schengen countries. These systems are expected to become operational in 2024.

Residence permits may be applied for by the beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, i.e., UK citizens and their families, who exercised their right of residence under EU law, before the end of 2020 and continue to stay in Poland. An application for the issue of a residence permit should be submitted to the voivodship office competent for the place of residence. Detailed information can be found HERE.


