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Can a work visa be issued for the same period as the one of the permit for temporary residence and employment?

No. Visas are issued as Schengen Visas or Polish visas by Polish consuls.

A Schengen Visa (of the “C” series) is issued when planned residence in Schengen Area Member States is up to 90 days per each 180-day period.

A Polish visa (of the “D” series) authorizes entry to Poland and a single stay or a number of stays for up to 90 days. The maximum term of validity of the Polish visa is 1 year.

A permit for temporary residence and employment is given for a period from 3 months to 3 years.

I have been refused a visa. What can I do?
Polish consuls decide on the granting of Schengen and Polish visas, so you may re-apply to the respective consul within 14 days from the original refusal. The consul is required to respond within 7 days.

If you are refused again, you may challenge the decision before the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw within 30 days from the receipt of the decision, through the office of the consul.

What do I need to get a work visa?

First of all, you need a permit for work (unless the requirement has been waived for you). Your future employer should get it for you. You also need to meet the general requirements for getting the visa.

What documents are needed to obtain a national visa?

National visas are issued by a Polish consul outside Poland; therefore, you can obtain full information about the visa procedure at the Polish consulate. Generally, an application for a national visa must be submitted on a special form. It is necessary to present a valid travel document that meets the following criteria:

  • its validity period will expire no earlier than 3 months after the expiry of the visa you apply for;
  • contains at least two blank pages;
  • has been issued within the last 10 years.

Additionally, when applying for a national visa, you should present supporting documents:

  • purpose and conditions of the planned stay,
  • having sufficient financial resources to cover the costs of living for the entire period of the planned stay in Poland and for a return trip to the country of origin or residence, or for transit to a third country that will grant permission to enter, or the possibility of obtaining such funds in accordance with the law,
  • having health insurance or travel medical insurance,
  • credibility of your declarations of intention to leave the territory of Poland before the expiry of the visa,
  • other circumstances specified in the application.
Are visas issued for the duration of the proceedings on legalisation of stay in Poland?
No, the application for a residence permit should be submitted during legal stay in the territory of Poland. If the above-mentioned deadline was met while submitting the application, an employee of the voivodeship office places a special stamp in the foreigner’s passport. The stay of a foreigner within the territory of Poland is legal until the end of the procedure for the stay legalisation.
I have a Polish visa of the “D” series. Does it authorize me to travel across the Schengen Area?

Yes. If you have such visa issued by any of the Schengen Area states you may travel across the whole Schengen Area for up to 90 days per each 180-day period, provided that:

–    You have a valid travel document;

–    You can justify the purpose, and describe the conditions, of the proposed stay;

–    You have sufficient funds for subsistence or an opportunity to obtain them lawfully; and

–    You are not recognized as a threat to public order, home security, public health or international relations of any of the Schengen Area Member States or of the EU Member State of the travel destination (which means you have no entry ban in their databases).