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4th Polish-British Belvedere Forum


“We are now going through tough times and probably there are more problems to come in the near future. Only through staying together, and taking care of our precious political relations and people-to-people friendship, can we tackle the issues we are facing,” said Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński at the opening of the fourth edition of the Polish-British Belvedere Forum in London.

4th Polish-British Belvedere Forum

This year's edition of the Forum was held on 3-4 March at Chatham House. For the first time, two internationally recognised expert and analytical institutions were responsible for its organisation: the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London (Chatham House). At the event’s opening ceremony, attended by nearly 300 guests, present were also the Co-Chairmen of the Forum’s Steering Committee, Zdzisław Krasnodębski and Sir Malcolm Rifkind.

The deputy head of Polish diplomacy expressed the conviction that both countries, regardless of the shape of future UK relations with the EU, will continue to work together in many areas on the political and economic agenda. “We cherish the fact that Poland and Britain collaborate closely on security issues, on the broadly understood Eastern policy, NATO and transatlantic relations,” he said.

“This week, we start what is probably the most complex negotiations that the EU and the UK have ever faced. We are certain that our main goal is a comprehensive trade agreement,” said the deputy minister. “However, we have to remember that it is about something more than politics and trade. Right now, people are, and should remain, at the heart of our relations,” said Jabłoński.

During the fourth Belvedere Forum, its participants discussed social, economic and political issues, including the impact of Brexit on the Polish-British partnership, as well as issues related to running Polish and British businesses and challenges related to climate change. For the first time the experts talked about the geographical differences, especially between rural and urban areas, and their influence on the politics and economics of both countries. The matter of European security was another important topic – the participants had an opportunity to debate whether the EU and NATO have the right approach to contemporary security challenges.

The initiative of organising the annual Forum was adopted by the Polish and British governments during the first Polish-British intergovernmental consultations in London in November 2016. The inaugural meeting was held on 8-9 March 2017 at the Belvedere Palace in Warsaw and was followed by the second edition in London in February 2018 and last year’s event at Warsaw’s Royal Castle. The programme and substantive issues are decided by the Steering Committee which includes Polish and British representatives from various areas of social life who are involved in the bilateral relations between the countries. The premise of the event is to give new impetus to the cooperation of non-governmental experts and the Polish community, which in turn contributes to strengthening the relations between the two societies.

                                                     Polish Embassy UK Press Office
