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Announcement of procurement procedure


Embassy of the Republic of Poland would like to kindly inform that the mission is looking for the professional service provider as a Substitute Investor of the investment process : "Restoration and renovation of buildings at 34 Portland Place and 73 New Cavendish Street in London, including their alteration".

Front of Polish Embassy building (no cameras)

The process is will be a negotiation with announcement procurement procedure and detailed information about the requirements (Description of needs and Requirements OPW [“Opis potrzeb i wymagań” - EN and PL]) and description of the subject of the contract (OPZ version EN and PL) can be found on the “e-Zamówienia” website (Polish website for the procurement procedures publications) at the following link:,

The procurement identification number is: ocds-148610-4bae3ddd-820d-11ee-9aa3-96d3b4440790

The number of the publication in the EU bulletin is: 00752986-2023

You can also find the publication on the EU (TED) website at the following link:

Deadline for the applications is: 17.01.2024.
