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Festival of Freedom in Edinburgh


As part of this year celebrations of Poland's 20th anniversary to the EU, The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Edinburgh partnered with the Beetroots Collective in support of organising a series of events entitled "The Festival of Freedom" in Edinburgh.


The festival was an all-day event combined with the presentation of thematic workshops, folk cut-outs, and games for children prepared by Polish artists and curators, followed by Eurodisco Party and "The City of Homes" artistic projection presenting the meaning of the concept of "home" in Polish communities in Scotland. The event was accompanied by visualizations, film shows, projections and art exhibitions of the works created by the event participants.

The lead artists: Marta Adamowicz, Robert Motyka as well as Szymon Felkel, have won numerous artistic awards and actively participated in workshops and meetings. They also prepared discussion panels and lectures on the problems and opportunities faced by EU citizens in Great Britain. The events attracted great interest among the local diaspora. The festival's aim was emphasizing the most important aspects of membership in the European Union and the EU values ​​and hopes related to being part of the EU, especially for younger generations of Poles, as well as strengthening the image of contemporary Poland and its achievements.


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