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Minister Joanna Mucha visits Scotland


At the beginning of June, Joanna Mucha, Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Education of Poland, visited Scotland. The purpose of the Minister’s visit was to meet with the directors and teachers of local Polish schools and to participate in the Polish diaspora event at the Great Polish Map of Scotland in Eddleston.

Minister Joanna Mucha visits Scotland

The visit began on Saturday morning with a meeting with students and teachers of Edinburgh-based Polish schools and the representatives of the former Wojtek Memorial Trust at the Wojtek the Bear monument in Princess Street Gardens. Then, Minister Joanna Mucha visited the two oldest Polish schools in Scotland, the Polish School under the Patronage of SPK, which was founded in 1947, and the No Boundaries School, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year.

Minister Joanna Mucha also met with the lead person of the EDUS Association, which brings together all Polish schools in Scotland (there are currently 29 of them), as well as with the head teachers of the schools, who came to the meeting from all over Scotland. At the Polish House of SPK in Edinburgh, Minister Joanna Mucha presented medals to distinguished Polish teachers.

On Sunday, Minister Joanna Mucha took part in the Polish diaspora event Łączy Nas Mapa at the Great Polish Map of Scotland in Eddleston, where she supported the campaign of the Consulate General in Edinburgh #IKnowWhoIAm and encouraged Poles living in Scotland to enrol their children in Polish schools. This well-attended event, in addition to attractions for children such as a field game at the Great Polish Map of Scotland, was accompanied by talks and lectures, including prof Jerzy Bralczyk and dr Aneta Nott-Bower on the advantages of bilingualism.

Photos: Adam Stefaniak, Bartosz Klimczak

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