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"Solidarność: No Bread Without Freedom" - an original exhibition and publication


Plakat Solidarność

Thoroughout 2020, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the inception of Solidarity in Poland. To mark this important anniversary, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington, D.C., created “Solidarność: No Bread Without Freedom,” an original exhibition and publication about U.S. civil society's, particularly labor unions', support for the movement. 

We invite you to peruse the online versions of both the brochure and the exhibition through the attachments below. 


“Solidarność: No Bread Without Freedom” Brochure
BROSZURA​_SOLIDARNOSC-nieskompresowany​_pdf.pdf 8.87MB
"Solidarność: No Bread Without Freedom" Exhibition
Solidarność​_No​_Bread​_Without​_Freedom​_Exhibition.pdf 62.37MB