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The 80th anniversary of the Home Army


On February 14, 2022, we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the transformation of the Union of Armed Struggle (formed in September 1939) into the Home Army.


To mark the occasion, we invite you to read President Andrzej Duda's statement honoring those who fought for Poland's freedom and independence, as well as to watch the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D., convey his message in a short film. Both statements can be found below. 


President Andrzej Duda's statement on the 80th anniversary of the Home Army
Przesłanie​_Prezydenta​_RP​_Andrzeja​_Dudy​_z​_okazji​_80​_rocznicy​_przemianowania​_Związku​_Walki​_Zbrojnej​_na​_Armię​_Krajową​_-​_14​_lutego​_​_(1).pdf 3.38MB

