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Восточная летняя школа, Варшавский университет


1th – 21th July 2022 in Warsaw

Wschodnia Szkoła Letnia 2022

1. The Eastern Summer School is held between 1th – 21th July 2022 in Warsaw.
2. The school is directed to listeners from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Its aim is to enable students to learn about the state of research, new environments and outstanding scientists, to gain an understanding
of the resources of archives and Polish libraries. The school does not allow for independent research work, rather it prepares
students for future, longer academic stays in Poland.
3. The School can is offered only to the foreigners, graduates of higher education, conducting their own research, who are below 35 years of age.
4. Candidates are required to have a good knowledge two languages of the School: Polish and English, both to the extent allowing them
to understand and use lectures.
5. The School will pay special attention to application of candidates specializing in the history and coexistence of Eastern Europe, especially
in the 19th-21st century, as well as the fall of communism and the transformation of the region’s countries.
6. The School’s program consists of a series of lectures and seminars (one seminar to choose from - according to topics of own, scientific
interests and research of the School’s participants) and scientific tours in the field of art history and culture, it also includes the presentations
of institutes, archives and scientific libraries. Students who complete all the programs will receive „Diploma of the Eastern
Summer School” on July 19, 2022. Classes will last until July 19, 2022. In addition, from July 20 to 28, you will be able to attend post-
-doctoral seminar meetings, but only after a positive assessment by the teacher.
7. Candidates fulfilling the substantive terms of full participation may apply for co-financing to cover all or part of the stay during the
School (hotel, meals, lectures, materials, detours) depending on the country of origin.
1. The documents to be sent to the address: wsl.studium@uw.edu.pl:
– A questionnaire that can be found at www.studium.uw.edu.pl
– An application for admission, containing a description of past works and scientific interests, and the proposed subject of the paper
– CV with a picture
– A list of all past scientific publications
– Two opinions of researchers dealing with the issues of candidate’s research (if possible - one from Poland),
– A copy of the diploma of completion of full university studies.
– Only applications containing a full set of required documents will be considered.
Application for admission and questionnaire should be prepared in Polish, and Curriculum Vitae in English.
2. Final deadline for application: 20th May 2022
Candidates qualified for the School will receive a formal invitation, issued by the Centre for East European Studies at the University of
Warsaw, around 30th May 2022, The Consulates of the Republic of Poland in candidates’ country will be notified.
The poster promoting Eastern Summer School and this folder were prepared in Polish, you can also find a digital English version.
We kindly ask to distribute them among interested students. More details can be found at the Centre for East European Studies website.

