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Polish Returns Programme 2020


7 January 2020 – 31 March 2020 - The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) opens the call for proposals under the Polish Returns Programme.

The aim of the Polish Returns Programme is to allow prominent Polish scientists to return to their country and take up employment in Polish higher education institutions, scientific units or research institutes. The Programme will create optimal conditions for returning scientists to conduct world-class scientific research or developmental work in Poland. The funds obtained under the Polish Returns Programme are to ensure salaries for Returning Scientists and allow them to create a project group (research team). 

The following shall be financed under the Programme:

  • remuneration for the Returning Scientist together with employer costs;
  • remuneration for members of the Project Group together with employer costs;
  • resettlement expenses and costs of adapting the workplace;
  • research component financed by the National Science Centre in Poland.

Learn more about the conditions for application, timing, etc. https://nawa.gov.pl/en/scientists/polish-returns
