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Scholarship Programme of the Government of Poland for Young Scientists 21th edition academic year 2023/2024


Program Stypendialny Rządu RP dla Młodych Naukowców XXI edycja rok akad. 2023/2024 dla kandydatów z: Europy Wschodniej, krajów Azji Środkowej i Kaukazu.


Scholarship Programme of the Government of Poland for Young Scientists 21th edition academic year 2023/2024



1. The „Scholarship Programme for Young Scientists,” initiated in 2003, is addressed to candidates from:

Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan as well as Arme[1]nia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. In the academic year of 2023/24, the XXIth edition of the Programme will be


2. Preferred are the candidates who have already had some scientific achievements and/or organisation activity

and whose former activity gives the highest hopes of being the vehicle for using the specialisation acquired

in Poland in their countries, in various disciplines of scientific life and social activity.

3. Scholarships are granted to further the research project as part of the scientific traineeship.

4. Each qualified candidate can obtain the scholarship once for a specific time which cannot be extended save

for extraordinary circumstances.

5. The total duration of the traineeship and the language course is 10 months, and the stay can be extended

by one month, July 2024, if the programme coordinator applies for such an extension having consulted the

tutor. The terms are specified in the Agreement and the Rules of the Programme. The possible extended

scholarship will end on 31 July 2024.

6. The people with the satisfactory knowledge of the Polish language will start the programme on 1 September

2023 with the Preparatory Course at the University of Warsaw, which will include general lectures and a

supplementary course in the Polish language.

7. In the case of scholarship holders accepted for the traineeship who have very poor knowledge of Polish, the

Programme will start on 1 August 2023 with a introductory language course. In such a case, the scholarship

can last even 12 months in total.

8. The scholarship (studies) at the already assigned specific higher education institutions will start on 1 Octo[1]ber 2023 and will end on 30 June 2024.

9. The scholarship amount is PLN 1500.00 net. The scholarship holders use this amount to cover their lodging,

board and insurance. Upon arrival, the scholarship holders sign an agreement defining the terms and con[1]ditions of payment of the scholarship as well as the rights and duties of the parties.

10. The scholarship amount is paid only to the people who remain in Poland during the scholarship and who

do not collect any other scholarship amounts.

11. The full set of documents has to be sent by e-mail at stypendia.studium@uw.edu.pl by 1 March 2023.

12. The competent consulates of the Republic of Poland will grant visas valid until 31 July 2024 to the people

who receive the scholarship.



1. Completed higher studies (4- or 5-year studies ending with the defence of the Bachelor’s thesis, the diploma

thesis or the Master’s thesis), first and foremost with the major in the humanities: history, international rela[1]tions, political sciences, journalism, sociology, ethnology, cultural studies, social psychology, administration

and management, law and related majors..

2. Age of the candidates: up to 35 years.

3. General literacy in the issues of one of the specified disciplines or related disciplines, particularly in the pe[1]riod from the 19th century to the 21st century.

4. Knowledge of the Polish language guaranteeing good comprehension of the lectures in the discipline of the

candidate and usage of the literature (see I(6) and (7)).

5.  In exceptional cases, people without any knowledge of the Polish language can be qualified. However, such

scholarship holders will be obliged to learn the language independently after they receive a notice of qu[1]alification and will take an intensive introductory course in the Polish language in August 2023 (see I(7)).

6. The applications of people studying or being on any traineeships or scholarships in Poland will be rejected.


1. A copy of the diploma of completion of studies equivalent to the Polish first-cycle studies (as a minimum) or

the Polish second-cycle studies or a certificate of current doctoral studies.

2. The candidate questionnaire (available at www.studium.uw.edu.pl).

3. A brief motivational letter with justification why the given major has been selected (in the Polish or English


4. Research work design (in Polish or English).

5. CV in Polish or English providing details in order from the latest events with a photo.

6. A list of publications, achievements and pursued professional projects.

7. Certificates confirming the knowledge of the Polish and English language.

8. Any other details, documents or information that could – according to the candidate – help the Qualification

Board evaluate his or her candidature properly.



1. The final date for application submittal is 1 March 2023.

2. Candidates are qualified in two stages:

a) The first stage involves a qualification carried out by a board in Warsaw on the basis of the sent do[1]cument – people will be selected for further stages by 20 April 2023.

b) The second stage of qualification consists in interviews of the candidates held by field Qualification

Boards in the period from 1 May to 15 June 2023 (detailed dates will be determined after the end of

the first stage).

3. Information of the detailed date and place of interviews will be provided to the candidates by the Centre for

East European Studies.

4. The qualification results will be communicated to the candidates by the Centre for East European Studies

around 10 July 2023.

5. They will be informed on the assignment to the specific university in Poland by the Centre for East European

Studies at the University of Warsaw – the coordinator of the Programme – by 15 September 2023.




1. The Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw ensures academic coordination during the

scholarship and assigns the scholarship holders to the higher education institutions in Poland.

2. The higher education institutions to which the scholarship holders are directed appoint scientific supervisors

(tutors) who provide scientific care to the scholarship holders and will be the supervisors of their diploma

theses. The Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw will notify individual scholarship

holders of the assigned higher education institution and tutor.

3. The scholarship holders are obliged to hold a treatment cost insurance policy covering the term of scholar[1]ship stay – taken out in their own country or in Poland.

4. The scholarship holders cover the costs of travel to and from Poland.

5. The obligations of the scholarship holders include:

a) arrangement of the year-long stay programme with the scientific supervisor (tutor) appointed by the

higher education institution;

b) determination of the scope and topic of the diploma thesis with the tutor;

c) determination with the tutor of 2 topics of papers (a part of the diploma thesis) to be delivered in

January and May 2024;

d) participation in and passing of at least 5 academic classes per week (seminars, lectures etc.) in line

with the theme of the stay, including – mandatorily – classes held by the tutor and, if possible, me[1]thodology classes in field of specialisation of the scholarship holder;

e) participation in additional classes in the Polish language for 1 semester and passing of these classes;

f) continued contact with the tutor in the form of weekly consultations;

g) preparation of a diploma thesis at least 50 pages long with proper back matter, written in the Polish


h) defence (presentation as part of the tutor’s seminar) of the diploma thesis by 20 June 2024.

6. If the diploma holder fails to fulfil the above obligations or violates the law of Poland, the regulations of the

higher education institution or the general rules of community life, his or her scholarship can be suspended.

The details can be found in the Rules and in the Agreement.

7. The diplomas of completion of the „Scholarship Programme of the Government of Poland for Young Scien[1]tists” will be awarded in Warsaw, in the last week of June 20


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