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Obtaining accreditation for job placement services within the framework of the EURES Network

By obtaining accreditation, specific entities may join the EURES (European employment services) network. 

Participation in the EURES network allows these entities to reach a broader group of nationals of the Member States of the European Union (EU) / European Free Trade Association (EFTA) interested in finding work in another Member State, as well as employers from these countries interested in employing nationals of other Member States.

EURES members and partners have the opportunity to, in particular:

  • establish international contacts with EURES advisers in the EU/EFTA Member States for the purpose of providing job placement services within the EU, 

  • use European Commission resources such as the EU CV database and the EU job offer database on the EURES website as well as other tools, such as the platform, on which international online events are organised, 

  • improve the qualifications of their staff through participation in EU training courses commissioned by the Commission. 

An entity applying for accreditation must indicate which of the following three groups of activities it plans to carry out within the framework of the EURES network:

  • participation in the system for exchanging and sharing job offers published by the entity through the IT systems of the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology and the Commission, in accordance with the technical standards and formats specified in EU provisions on the EURES network,

  • participation in the system for exchanging and sharing details of jobseekers contained in this entity’s IT systems, through the IT systems of the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology and the Commission, in accordance with the technical standards and formats specified in EU provisions on the EURES network,

  • provision of the support services for jobseekers and employers specified in Articles 23 to 27 of Regulation (EU) 2016/589 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2016 on a European network of employment services (EURES), workers’ access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets, and amending Regulations (EU) No 492/2011 and (EU) No 1296/2013.

If the entity applying for accreditation meets accreditation criteria and undertakes to carry out:

  • all the three groups of activities, then it will acquire the status of a EURES member in the light of EU laws,

  • one or two groups of activities, then it will acquire the status of a EURES partner in the light of EU laws.



In Poland, job placement services within the framework of the EURES network may be provided legally without obtaining accreditation by provincial and district labour offices (within the framework of public employment services) and the Voluntary Labour Corps. Other entities must be granted relevant accreditation by the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology.

Accreditation for job placement services within the framework of the EURES network may be granted to the following entities:

  • entities entered into the register of employment agencies,

  • social integration centres and clubs listed in provisions on social employment,

  • specialised military authorities listed in provisions on military service, 

  • authorities specified in provisions on the education system, referring teachers to work in Polish communities abroad.



An entity applying for accreditation must meet the following criteria: 

  1. must be entered into the register of employment agencies (in the case of entities for which such entry is required);

  2. must not be in arrears with taxes, social insurance contributions, health insurance contributions and contributions to the Labour Fund and the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund, if the entity was required to pay them;

  3. must not have been convicted of operating a temporary employment agency or a job placement agency referring persons to work abroad for foreign employers without the required entry into the register of employment agencies;

  4. must not have been convicted of charging unlawful fees from a person for whom the agency seeks employment or provides assistance in finding another place of employment, except for charges for travel to the place of employment and back by the referred person, the issue of a visa, medical examinations and the translation of documents. This applies also to the referral of persons for the purpose of acquiring practical skills, especially referral to graduate internships, internships or work placements which do not constitute employment or other paid work;

  5. must not have been convicted of violating the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of sex, age, disability, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation and political or religious beliefs, or on the grounds of trade union membership which may have occurred when it was providing job placement services;

  6. must not have been convicted of not referring persons to work abroad directly to foreign employers and not concluding with persons referred to work contracts for 

  7. referral to work abroad specifying, inter alia, future conditions 

  8. of work for foreign employers, all the costs to be borne by the referred persons or the scope of responsibility in the event of unexpected events; 

  9. must not have been convicted of not concluding contracts with persons referred to work abroad for the purpose of acquiring practical skills, especially referral to graduate internships, internships or work placements which do not constitute employment or other paid work;

  10. must not have been convicted of not concluding contracts with foreign employers to whom they refer employees or concluding such contracts unlawfully; 

  11. must not be an entity against which liquidation proceedings have been initiated or which has been declared bankrupt;

  12. must have IT systems allowing it to provide job placement services within the framework of the EURES network, including a website and an electronic register of job offers;

  13. must have at least 2 years’ experience in referring persons to work abroad;

  14. proceedings which may result in removal from the register of employment agencies must not be conducted against the entity.


Furthermore, the entity submitting an application for accreditation shall include in it a declaration confirming, under penalty of perjury, that:

  • the conditions referred to in points (b) to (i) above are met;

  • it is aware of the obligations arising from the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions and EU provisions on the implementation of EURES activities, as well as the obligations arising from the accreditation agreement; 

  • proceedings which may result in removal from the register of employment agencies are not conducted against it;

  • 2 years expired from the date when an accreditation agreement concluded with the applicant was terminated after it infringed the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions or the accreditation agreement and failed to remedy this infringement within the prescribed period. A declaration of this type is submitted only by an entity which was previously granted accreditation that was terminated for the above reasons;

  • it has the financial resources necessary to implement EURES activities resulting from the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions and EU provisions on the implementation of EURES activities, as well as activities resulting from the accreditation agreement;

  • the data contained in the application for accreditation are complete and accurate.



Stage 1

Applications for accreditation for job placement services within the framework of the EURES network shall be submitted to the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology. 

Deadlines for submitting and examining applications for accreditation will be published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology.

Applications may be submitted in paper or electronic form in accordance with a model application set out in the Annex to the Regulation of the Minister for Family, Labour and Social Policy of 6 May 2019 on the model application for accreditation for job placement services within the framework of the EURES network.

An electronic application should be affixed with a secure electronic signature or a signature confirmed by an ePUAP (Elektroniczna Platforma Usług Administracji Publicznej, Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services) trusted profile.

Electronic applications for accreditation may be submitted via the website of the Register of EURES Accredited Bodies (‘accreditation register’).


Stage 2

If the entity applying for accreditation is positively verified, the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology grants it accreditation by entering it into the register of entities that obtained accreditation for job placement services within the framework of the EURES network, after concluding an accreditation agreement with this entity.

The Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology will refuse to grant accreditation if:

  • the applicant does not meet specific accreditation criteria, or 

  • the applicant does not include all the required data in the application, such as the identification of the entity, the address where the entity carries out its business activities and the address where job placement services within the framework of the EURES network will be provided, together with the name of the municipality, district and province, the identification of the legal form of the business activities, the Taxpayer Identification Number NIP (if it has been assigned to the entity), the National Court Register number or information on the entry into the Business Activity Central Register and Information Record (if this number has been assigned to the entity), the email address, the website address and other contact details, or 

  • the applicant does not include in the application for accreditation all the data required in cases where job placement services within the framework of the EURES network are provided together with cooperating entities (all entities which are not authorised to provide job placement services but provide other services which may be supporting services in job placement within the framework of the EURES network). The required data include the identification of the entity, the address where the entity carries out its business activities and the address where job placement services within the framework of the EURES network will be provided, together with the name of the municipality, district and province, the email address, the website address and other contact details, or

  • the applicant does not submit the required declaration, or 

  • 2 years have not expired from the date when accreditation previously granted to the applicant was revoked after it infringed the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions or the accreditation agreement and failed to remedy this infringement within the prescribed period.

The refusal to grant accreditation shall take the form of an administrative decision, which may be appealed against. 

Accreditation shall be granted by entering the entity into the accreditation register. An accreditation agreement is concluded with the entity before that.

The minimum scope of the accreditation agreement shall cover:

  1. the scope of the entity’s obligations related to, inter alia, planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting on EURES activities;

  2. the scope of job placement operations and services to be carried out within the framework of the EURES network;

  3. an undertaking by the entity granted accreditation to:

a) work together with employment authorities to implement the labour market policy and the European employment strategy while carrying out EURES activities,

b) participate in the system for sharing information and job offers within the Commission, in accordance with models, procedures and standards set out by the Commission,

c) provide job placement services within the framework of the EURES network in cooperation only with entities authorised to carry out EURES activities from the EU/EFTA Member States,

d) ensure that persons responsible for carrying out job placement services within the framework of the EURES network and other activities relating to the performance of the obligations under the accreditation agreement meet the requirements of EU legislation and at least one of them has a sufficient knowledge of English, German or French to perform the tasks,

e) ensure access to information on job placement services within the framework of the EURES network on its website or via other information channels used, 

f) use the EURES acronym and trademark only when providing job placement services within the framework of the EURES network,

g) include the number of the entry into the register of accredited bodies in documents, announcements and job offers related to job placement services within the framework of the EURES network;

4) methods for providing job placement services within the framework of the EURES network, including the scope of data to be included in job offers;

5) rules for determining the amount of fees charged by the entity granted accreditation from employers for job placement services within the framework of the EURES network, if these services are provided using EU funding.


The accreditation register is an electronic IT system linked with the national register of employment agencies, and has a feature that allows entities to apply for accreditation online as well as various other features to support the management of accredited bodies. The register is available at



Provincial governors shall supervise whether accredited bodies fulfil the obligations under the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions and accreditation agreements. 



If accreditation granted to an entity needs to be revoked, the accreditation agreement will be terminated either by the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology or by the entity itself, or will expire if it was concluded for a definite period.

If a check by a competent authority, i.e. a Provincial Governor, a Province Marshal (in the case of employment agencies) or the National Labour Inspectorate (Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy), reveals that an accredited body has infringed the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions or the accreditation agreement and this entity does not remedy the infringement within the prescribed period, then:

  • the Provincial Governor or the Province Marshal shall request the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology that the accreditation be revoked,

  • the National Labour Inspectorate shall notify the Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology that this infringement has occurred and the entity has failed to remedy it within the prescribed period. 

The Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology must then terminate the accreditation agreement and remove the entity from the accreditation register. 



Register of accredited bodies

Register of employment agencies

Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology

Polish EURES website

Register of employment agencies





Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology

Labour Market Department


The information on this website has been prepared for users of the single digital gateway in order to ensure compliance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services.

