Submitting a bid online in response to a public call for tender
Detailed technical requirements for submitting a bid
All communications in a public procurement procedure, including the submission of tenders or requests, must be carried out online. Tenders may be submitted using a dedicated form available to economic operators with an active account on the e-Procurement Platform in the Tenders/Requests tab. The economic operator prepares a tender, signs it electronically (the type of signature depends on the type of procedure), then sends it to the contracting entity via the form on the Platform. The form encrypts the file and blocks the possibility of opening it until the deadline for opening bids/requests expires.
Are electronic signatures required, and if so, what are the relevant requirements?
A certified electronic signature is required to sign a tender, request to participate in a procedure, and for statements, including the European single procurement document, which are all submitted by the economic operator for purposes of the procedure carried out by the contracting entity. The type of signature depends on the type of procedure. In a public procurement procedure or a design contest with a value equal to or exceeding the EU thresholds, the tender is signed with a qualified electronic signature. In a public procurement procedure or a design contest with a value below the EU thresholds, a tender may signed with qualified electronic signature, trusted or personal signature.
Are there any special web portals for submitting bids in a public procurement procedure?
The Public Procurement Office provides the e-Procurement Platform, a tool through which the contracting entities and economic operators can conduct electronic communication in public procurement, including submitting and receiving tenders and requests. The e-Procurement platform is free-of-charge.
Information on the instructions and guidance on bid submission
The Help Center is available on the e-Procurement Platform, where contracting entities and economic operators can follow interactive instructions and instructional videos. Frequently asked questions and their responses are also available on the Platform.