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What and how to report


Emergency number 112 saves lives! Don’t call, unless you really need to!

The following matters (among others) should be reported to emergency number operators at Emergency Notification Centres:

  • risks to life, health and safety,
  • property and the environment risks (emergencies),
  • threats to freedom,
  • offences or disturbances to public order,
  • cases where immediate action by the Police, the State Fire Service or the State Emergency Medical Service is required.

CALL only in emergency situations that require intervention, such as:

  • road accidents,
  • severe bleeding and injuries,
  • fainting and loss of consciousness,
  • fires,
  • electric shocks,
  • thefts, burglaries,
  • robberies and other cases of violence,
  • suspicion of driving while intoxicated,
  • recognition of the wanted person,
  • other immediate risks to life, health, environment, property, security or public order.

DO NOT CALL if you want (for example):

  • make a bogus report,
  • ask for information about the weather, timetables for public, rail or air transport,
  • provide information on traffic disruptions,
  • obtain contact details of a company or a private person,
  • express an opinion on any topic, event or person,
  • postpone the meeting with representatives of uniformed services,
  • check if 112 really works,
  • call a taxi, order a pizza or a roadside assistance service,
  • get legal or medical advice,
  • get a PIN or PUK for your phone,
  • get connected with another number,
  • obtain a phone number to call the services.

There is no threat to life, health, environment or property and the intervention by emergency services is not required.


Every day emergency number operators receive thousands of misdirected calls to emergency number 112. These are calls made accidentally from an unlocked phone in the caller’s pocket, by the children playing with the phone or the teenagers and adults making pranks.


  • lock the phone keypad when you are not using the phone,
  • remember that each phone with a charged battery can be used to call the 112 emergency number,
  • keep your phone in a safe place, out of the reach of children, and keep it in a phone case when not in use,
  • if you accidentally dial the 112 emergency number, stay on the line to inform the emergency operator that you do not need help and that you have dialled the number by accident.

Criminal liability for unjustified calls to the emergency number.

Emergency numbers 112, 997, 998, 999 must not be used to contact the Police, the State Fire Service or the State Emergency Medical Service for purposes other than report an emergency and using them in non-emergency situations makes them inaccessible for other callers and may cause delays in providing immediate assistance to those whose life, health or property is at risk. It should be emphasised that deliberate calls to emergency numbers that unnecessarily block the lines are punishable by detention, restriction of liberty or a fine of PLN 1 500. The above procedures are initiated against those who are persistently and unnecessarily calling the 112 emergency number (Article 66(2) of the Minor Offences Code).

By calling emergency number 112 UNNECESSARILY and without legitimate reason you are BLOCKING the emergency line for those who are in urgent need of assistance and are unable to contact the emergency number operator at a public-safety answering point (PSAP).

Think twice – YOU may also need help someday! 112 is not for fun!

  • Teach your children how to properly use the phone and explain to them what the emergency number 112 is and how to use it.
  • Write down the phone numbers of those closest to you.
  • Never let your children play with old mobile phones – the phones with a charged battery, even those without a SIM card, can still connect to the 112 emergency number.


Dial the emergency number 112 in emergency situations which require assistance from and immediate action by the Police, the State Fire Service or the State Emergency Medical Service.
The response time depends on a number of factors, including on how you have reported the event, therefore it is very important to fully cooperate with the emergency number operator at a public-safety answering point (PSAP) and provide only relevant information.


  • find out where you are and what happened at the scene,
  • determine the number of injured people and their condition,
  • notify the witnesses that you are calling 112 so that they do not make calls to report the same event,
  • if it’s possible, find a quiet place to talk to the emergency number operator without interruption.


  • after receiving your call, the operator will introduce themselves, provide their work number (personal data are not disclosed) and ask why you are calling,
  • very briefly describe the incident you are reporting so that the operator can recognise your report as a valid one rather than an accidental non-emergency call where there is no threat to life, health, environment or property,
  • answer the questions of the emergency number operator – the order in which they asks these questions is not accidental and they will later be used to obtain key information for emergency services,
  • provide the exact address or describe how to get to the place of the event (province, district, municipality, city, as well as the name of the street where the event took place, the nearest house number) or other information that may be used to locate the event,
  • provide such additional information as that emergency number operator may request,
  • provide your contact details so that the services can contact you if necessary,
  • do not hang up until the operator has expressly acknowledged receipt of your report,
  • try not to use your phone after the call so that the services can call you back for additional information,
  • if the circumstances you have reported change after your call, make another call to the emergency number 112,
  • for callers reporting medical emergencies – the operator, after obtaining relevant information, can redirect you to the medical dispatcher of the State Emergency Medical Service who will ask for details of your medical problem and help provide necessary assistance to the injured.

Use the 112 emergency number responsibly.

When you are making calls in non-emergency situations, someone else may not get the help they need.
