25th anniversary of Poland's accession to NATO
On 12th of March 1999, a new chapter in the history of security opened for Poland.
The status of a member of the North Atlantic Alliance remains one of the main pillars of Polish security policy. Article 5 of the Washington Treaty is a guarantor of the security of our region and the foundation of the Alliance's deterrent power. 25 years of Poland's presence in NATO has been a time of building Poland's strong position in NATO and dynamic development of defense capabilities. Since joining NATO, Poland has been conscientiously implementing all the obligations that membership in the Alliance imposes on the countries creating it. Polish soldiers have taken part and continue to take part in missions and operations conducted under the auspices of the Alliance. Poland is an important member of NATO due to its location, experience and potential, and is also a leader in terms of defense expenditure - it spends more than twice as much on defense as the 2% of GDP required by NATO. Poland's defense expenditure in 2024 will amount to 4.2% of GDP.