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Childcare centre in Elbasan with support from the "Polish Aid" programme


The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tirana implemented a project to support the day care center for children run by the Missionaries of Charity (Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta) in Elbasan.

Childcare centre in Elbasan.

The project included the development of infrastructure dedicated to children (playgrounds, bedroom and dining room equipment), as well as improving the day-to-day functioning of the facility (installation of solar panels linked to a water heating system, kitchen equipment).

The project, implemented with funds from the ‘’Polish Aid" development programme, aims to level the playing field for those at risk of social exclusion - children from poor, marginalised and deprived families from the local community - by providing suitable conditions for the provision of day care for children.

The day care center in Elbasan permanently accommodates six children with varying degrees of disability. The children are staying at the center until adoptive families can be found - so far these have been almost exclusively from abroad.  In addition, the facility provides daily assistance with food, hygiene and the provision of care to local children from marginalised backgrounds, including children from Roma families.

Due to childcare centre rules the embassy does not publish photos of the children.

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