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Minister Czaputowicz at the Western Balkans Summit in Poznan


“Poland supports the future accession of the Western Balkans countries to the European Union. Without their presence in the EU we cannot say that this project is complete,” said Minister Czaputowicz summing up the foreign ministers’ meeting at the Summit.

Min. Czaputowicz at Western Balkan Summit in Poznań

Minister Czaputowicz chaired the meeting of the Berlin Process foreign ministers yesterday. The discussions focused on the European perspective of the Western Balkans partners and the Berlin Process’ role in supporting their European aspirations.

Minister Czaputowicz stressed the ambitious agenda of the Berlin Process that includes high-end economic and infrastructural projects, digitalization, comprehensive security, reconciliation and youth cooperation. “We have been seeking to support initiatives in these areas during our presidency and at this summit,” said the Polish MFA chief.

“It was a very good decision for Poland to join the Berlin Process. I hope that Poland brought an added value to the realization of European aspirations of our friends from the Western Balkans,” he added.

Minister Czaputowicz said that the beginning of the new term of the European Parliament and the appointment of the new European Commission provide an important context for the discussion. He went on to say: “It is of major importance for the Polish presidency of the Berlin Process to continue to keep the Western Balkans high on the European Commission’s agenda.”

The session of foreign ministers and representatives of the civil society organizations was dedicated to regional cooperation and the role that these organizations may play in its consolidation. Minister Czaputowicz emphasized that strengthening the European society is one of Polish presidency’s priorities under the Berlin Process. “This was reflected in the programme of the whole summit, in the agenda of the Think Tank Forum, the Civil Society Forum, and the NGO representatives’ participation in the foreign ministers’ plenary session,” said Polish top diplomat.  

Minister Czaputowicz, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz, OECD Secretary-General José Ángel Gurría, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy Johannes Hahn, and Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu also took part in the debate “Navigating the Future: How to Prepare for the Revolution in Trade, Services and Industry.” It was part of the Civil Society Forum and the Business Forum.

Both ministers also opened the OECD conference, during which a special publication was presented. Co-funded by Poland, it looks at the economic situation of the Western Balkans.

On the second day of the Summit, Deputy Foreign Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk signed an agreement between Poland and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank to provide financial support for infrastructural projects implemented in the Western Balkans region as part of the Western Balkans Investment Framework.

During the Think Tank Forum that opened the Poznan Summit on Wednesday, experts and guests from the region discussed European aspirations of the Western Balkans, challenges facing the European enlargement policy and the future of the Berlin Process.

On  Friday, the Leaders’ Summit will take place, bringing together the Berlin Process heads of government. They will talk about major issues for the Western Balkans region. President Andrzej Duda will open the plenary session, and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki will chair the meeting.

The Western Balkans Summit in Poznan is the key event under the 2019 Polish presidency of the Berlin Process. Initiated by Germany, the Berlin Process is aimed at bringing together the Western Balkans partners and some of the European Union Member States. The Polish presidency’s priorities include the economy, connectivity, civil society and security.
