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"Polish Aid" for the "Ramazan Kabashi" school and educational center for blind children in Tirana


The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tirana supported the "Ramazan Kabashi" school and educational center for blind children in Tirana as part of the Polish development cooperation program "Polish Aid". The project partner was the VISIUM Institute for the Blind, which has been operating for years in the field of supporting the education of blind and visually impaired children and youth.

"Polish Aid" for the "Ramazan Kabashi" school and educational center for blind children in Tirana

"Ramazan Kabashi" is the only facility of this type in the Republic of Albania. Currently, 56 students aged 7-15 from all over Albania are educated there. In addition to educational and pedagogical activities, the center creates educational materials in Albanian adapted for blind and visually impaired people.

We supported the school's special needs in terms of creating educational materials by purchasing specialized equipment, such as screen that will be used by students with color vision disorders and visual impairments. As part of the project, a recording studio was also equipped, where audio descriptions of educational materials and audiobooks in Albanian are created.

The center's activities are also co-financed by, among others, the Government of Japan, the Turkish Development Cooperation Program TIKA, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The educational facility visited First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda and the wife of the President of Albania, Armanda Begaj, during the official visit of the Presidential Couple to Tirana in May this year. On this occasion, the First Lady spoke about the School and Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski, near Warsaw, where over 250 students from all over Poland, from kindergarten to post-secondary school, are preparing for independent living.

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