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The opening of the exhibition entitled “Mom, I don’t want war! 1939-45 Poland/2022 Ukraine” in Tirana


On 16th of September 2022 the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tirana together with the Embassy of Ukraine in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana opened an exhibition entitled "Mom, I don't want war! 1939-45 Poland / 2022 Ukraine ”. Polish-Ukrainian archival project shows how upsettingly similar are war-time experiences of children during World War II and today in Ukraine. The exhibition will be accessible for visitors from 16th to 23rd September 2022.

Polish - Ukrainian archival project shows how upsettingly similar are war-time experiences of children during World War II and today in Ukraine.

"A child is not a soldier, he does not defend the homeland, though he suffers with it"
Janusz Korczak

We present to you incredibly moving testimonies of war - from historical drawings of Polish children from 1946, which are a record of their experiences during World War II and the German occupation of 1939-1945, preserved in the Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN) in Warsaw, in the Ministry of Education complex from 1945-1966, and contemporary drawings of Ukrainian children, related to the war currently taking place in Ukraine, collected on the Mom, I See War portal.

The creators of the exhibition aim to show that war always looks the same through the eyes of a child. Irrespective of place and time, it is a huge evil, and the child is always the victim of it. The similarity between historical and present-day drawings is striking. Children draw tanks, planes dropping bombs, fires, and explosions. They draw the injured and the dead, the ruined houses, the graves. They draw themselves and their family, they draw evacuation and escape. But they also draw hope and their dreams for the future.

By putting images and words together in thematic groups: fighting, occupation, family, repression, resistance, destruction, victory-hope, we want to emphasise the fact of how similar the scenarios of the invading wars are. The time changes, the place changes, the child witnesses change, but the war is always the same:

"It cannot hear nor see, still less feel".
J.J. Letria

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