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Humanitarian assistance project implemented by the Polish Embassy in Yerevan in the framework of „Polish Aid”



With the aim to assist in resolving crucial problems in the area of public health in the Republic of Armenia, the Embassy of Poland in Yerevan, jointly with its partner “Eurasia” CPO, implemented a project of humanitarian assistance to the injured people as a result of the military conflict. „Improving the quality of health services in local intensive care facilities in Armenia” project is aimed to provide numerous modern wheelchairs adjusted to the needs of the disabled people that have received central and peripheral nervous system, locomotive system serious injuries. Wheelchairs were given to the Central Clinical Military Hospital of Yerevan, "Erebouni" Medical Center, "Kanaker-Zeytun" Medical Center, "Mikaelyan Institute of Surgery", as well as Aparan Medical Center. The Ambassador of Poland, Paweł Cieplak, representatives of the Embassy, as well as representatives of “Eurasia” CPO and medical centers participated in the ceremony of handing over the wheelchairs to the hospitals.

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