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Scholarship Program for Young Scientists


The Centre for East European Studies UW announces an Open Call for the candidates from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus countries. The scholarships will be intended for a research stay at Polish higher education institutions in the period from September 2023 to June 2024. The applications should be submitted by 1 March 2023.

Scholarship Program for Young Scientists



1. The „Scholarship Programme for Young Scientists,” initiated in 2003, is addressed to candidates from: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. In the academic year of 2023/24, the XXIth edition of the Programme will be held.
2. Preferred are the candidates who have already had some scientific achievements and/or organisation activity and whose former activity gives the highest hopes of being the vehicle for using the specialisation acquired in Poland in their countries, in various disciplines of scientific life and social activity.
3. Scholarships are granted to further the research project as part of the scientific traineeship.
4. Each qualified candidate can obtain the scholarship once for a specific time which cannot be extended save for extraordinary circumstances.
5. The total duration of the traineeship and the language course is 10 months, and the stay can be extended by one month, July 2024, if the programme coordinator applies for such an extension having consulted the tutor. The terms are specified in the Agreement and the Rules of the Programme. The possible extended scholarship will end on 31 July 2024.
6. The people with the satisfactory knowledge of the Polish language will start the programme on 1 September 2023 with the Preparatory Course at the University of Warsaw, which will include general lectures and a supplementary course in the Polish language.
7. In the case of scholarship holders accepted for the traineeship who have very poor knowledge of Polish, the Programme will start on 1 August 2023 with a introductory language course. In such a case, the scholarship can last even 12 months in total.
8. The scholarship (studies) at the already assigned specific higher education institutions will start on 1 October 2023 and will end on 30 June 2024.
9. The scholarship amount is PLN 1500.00 net. The scholarship holders use this amount to cover their lodging, board and insurance. Upon arrival, the scholarship holders sign an agreement defining the terms and conditions of payment of the scholarship as well as the rights and duties of the parties.
10. The scholarship amount is paid only to the people who remain in Poland during the scholarship and who do not collect any other scholarship amounts.
11. The full set of documents has to be sent by e-mail at by 1 March 2023.
12. The competent consulates of the Republic of Poland will grant visas valid until 31 July 2024 to the people who receive the scholarship.




1. Completed higher studies (4- or 5-year studies ending with the defence of the Bachelor’s thesis, the diploma thesis or the Master’s thesis), first and foremost with the major in the humanities: history, international relations, political sciences, journalism, sociology, ethnology, cultural studies, social psychology, administration and management, law and related majors.. 2. Age of the candidates: up to 35 years.
3. General literacy in the issues of one of the specified disciplines or related disciplines, particularly in the period from the 19th century to the 21st century.
4. Knowledge of the Polish language guaranteeing good comprehension of the lectures in the discipline of the candidate and usage of the literature (see I(6) and (7)).
5.  In exceptional cases, people without any knowledge of the Polish language can be qualified. However, such scholarship holders will be obliged to learn the language independently after they receive a notice of qualification and will take an intensive introductory course in the Polish language in August 2023 (see I(7)).
6. The applications of people studying or being on any traineeships or scholarships in Poland will be rejected.

More information on submission process can be found Here


The Scholarship Program for Young Scientists was started in 2003 and is addressed to candidates from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The scholarships are intended for the realization of academic training in the form of year-long individual supplementary studies.

Applicants are usually Ph.D. holders, young lecturers or university graduates who wish to continue their studies after returning home. The scholarship enables them to bring back the knowledge they have gained and spread it in their home country. Scholarship recipients receive academic supervision from specialists in their chosen subject of interest. Academic supervisors also later act as promoters for scholarship recipients when they write their final papers.

Each year, 70 scholarship students take part. They are young humanities students that improve their qualifications during a 9-month apprenticeship at any one of the best schools of higher education in Poland. Since its inception, over 500 individuals have taken part in the program.
