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Successes of Polish students in International Science Olympiads in 2019


A gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad, 4 silver medals in the International Biology Olympiad and 3 silver medals in the International Geography Olympiad and the International Chemistry Olympiad – these are the most important achievements of Polish students in the International Science Olympiads in 2019. In 2019, Polish students participated in a total of 8 international Olympiads and won as many as 30 medals: 1 gold medal, 19 silver medals and 10 bronze ones. Young mathematicians, who won as many as 6 medals during the competition in Great Britain, achieved a historic success. We would like to present a summary of our achievements in international science and interdisciplinary Olympiads in 2019.


The International Science Olympiads are prestigious competitions of knowledge in which the best students from all around the world participate. The Polish team participates in them every year, achieves very good results and wins medals. For each participant, the participation in the competition itself on the international level is a huge honor and reward at the same time.


This year, due to the pandemic, some organizers of the International Science Olympiads have decided to postpone them until next year, while others have decided to conduct them remotely. Polish students are currently preparing for several Olympiads.


In its three-year horizon, the Ministry of National Education entrusts and finances the organization of the International Science Olympiads as well as interdisciplinary Olympiads to entities selected in an open tender. The regulations of the tender provide for the organization of not only a Polish nationwide Olympiad, but also of an international one.


The Ministry of National Education finances both the preparation of the Olympiad (science and preparatory camps) as well as the participation of Polish representatives in the International Science Olympiads (i.a. flight tickets, entry fees, insurance).


30 medals for our students in 2019!


In 2019, 28 students came back to Poland with as many as 30 different medals: 1 gold medal, 19 silver medals and 10 bronze ones. One of extraordinary successes was the participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad, during which our competitors won as many as 6 medals.


Below, we have listed achievements of Polish students in the previous year in 8 International Science Olympiads as well as a comparison of their results with the achievements of representatives of other European countries.


International Physics Olympiad (IPhO 2019)

During the 50th International Physics Olympiad, which took place in Israel (Tel Aviv, July 7-15), Polish students won 4 medals 1 silver medal and 3 bronze medals. A total of 363 students from 78 countries participated in the competition.


International Geography Olympiad (IGeo 2019)

During the 16th International Geography Olympiad, which was held in Hong Kong (July 30-August 5), Polish students won 4 medals. A total of 166 participants from 43 teams took part in the competition in Hong Kong.


International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI 2019)

The participation of Polish students in the International Olympiad in Informatics, which in 2019 was organized in the capital city of Azerbaijan (August 4-11), turned out to be a success as well. A total of 335 students from 88 countries participated in the competition. Polish students came back from Baku with 3 medals – 2 silver ones and 1 bronze one.


International Biology Olympiad (IBO 2019)

Polish students achieved huge successes during the 30th International Biology Olympiad as well. Young biologists won 4 silver medals from the competition, which was held in Szeged in Hungary (July 14-21).


International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO 2019)

The 51st International Chemistry Olympiad (Paris, July 21-30) also witnessed fantastic results of young chemists. They came back to Poland with 4 medals. A total of 80 teams from all around the world participated in the competition.


International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA 2019)

Polish students also achieved very good results during the 13th International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Keszthely, August 2-10). A total of 260 students from 46 countries participated in the competition. Our representatives won a total of 4 medals – 2 silver and 2 bronze ones.


International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2019)

Young mathematicians achieved a historic success during the 60th International Mathematical Olympiad in Great Britain (Bath, July 10-22). They won a total of 6 medals – 1 gold medal as well as 3 silver and 2 bronze ones. For the first time in 25 years, a Polish representative scored the maximum number of points and solved all competition tasks without any mistakes. Nearly 600 students from all around the world participated in the competition. In the group classification, our students ranked tenth.


International Linguistics Olympiad

During the International Linguistics Olympiad, in an individual competition, a Polish student won a silver medal as well as an award for solving one of the tasks without any mistakes. Honorable mentions were awarded to another 3 students. In the group competition, Poland won a bronze medal as well as an honorable mention. The competition was held in Yongin in South Korea (July 29-August 2).


Results of Polish students compared to other countries


The achievements of Polish students in the International Science Olympiads in 2019 compare well with the results of students from other European countries. We present selected comparisons with the following countries: Germany, Great Britain, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic.

