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Writing grants from A to Z for local communities


The non-governmental organization "ISSD" Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development of Communities in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Yerevan has implemented the project" Writing grants from A to Z for local communities ", financed under Polish Aid.

Writing grants from A to Z for local communities

The project was aimed at supporting the skills and creativity of employees of local communities, small and medium-sized enterprises, local social groups and non-governmental organizations, mainly in  preparing applications for grants / subsidies from foreign and state funds.

As part of the project, training courses were held in consolidated communities in the border regions of Armenia: Chambarak (Gegharkunik region), Shoghakat (Gegharkunik region), Areni (Vayots Dzor region), Navur (Tavush region), Ditavan (Tavush region), Chinari (Tavush region) , Aygedzor, Berkaber (Tavush region).

One of the most interesting element of the training was the joint creation of projects within local consortia formed from representatives of target groups. The project contributed to a better knowing each other and facilitated the possibility of partnerships at the local level (local consortia and public-private partnerships).

The trainings helped the participants to better prepare strategically and substantively for applying for grants and searching for grant calls for proposals. The training materials can be used for follow-up trainings in local communities.

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