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Analysis of threats to the cyber security of NATO diplomatic missions


The Cyber Security Department of the Ministry of Digital Affairs and the Foreign Intelligence Agency have jointly prepared a publication entitled "Analysis of threats to the cyber security of diplomatic missions of Poland and other NATO countries in the context of selected hacking attacks”.

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Analysis of threats to the cyber security of NATO diplomatic missions

The publication is a general and synthetic case study of attacks targeting diplomatic posts of NATO countries. It includes a technical component as well as addresses analytical issues. The publication presents the point of view of both institutions, the Ministry of Digital Affairs and the Foreign Intelligence Agency on selected issues concerning the cyber security of the Republic of Poland.

Link to download: Analysis of threats to the cybersecurity of diplomatic missions of Poland and other NATO countries in the context of selected hacking attacks

In addition, there is a cipher hidden in the publication, and the key word is in the text. Will you be able to find the right algorithm and decrypt the password? 

*In the English version, you can translate the result.

We encourage you to read the publication!
