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Screening of the film “Invincible. The story of general Stanisław Maczek” dir. by Rafał Geremek


Embassy of Poland in Brussels would like to invite you at the screening of the film  “Invincible. The story of general Stanisław Maczek”  directed by Rafał Geremek.


Embassy of Poland in Brussels would like to invite you at the screening of the film  “Invincible. The story of general Stanisław Maczek”  directed by Rafał Geremek. The screening will be followed by a meeting with the filmmaker.


Dirk Verbeke, president of the Association of the 1 Polish Armoured Division Belgium on Thursday 5 March 2020 at 19.00, Avenue des Gaulois 29, Brussels 1040.  R.S.V.P.:  till 3 March 2020

In programme:

  • Film entitled "Invincible. The story of General Stanisław Maczek ”(60 min)

"Invincible. The story of General Stanisław Maczek ” directed by. R. Geremek (in Polish with English subtitles), is an amazing story about General Maczek, an exceptional man, for whom the end of World War II was not a personal victory, even though he did not lose a single battle. Deprived of Polish citizenship by the communists, he could not return to his country and spent the rest of his life in exile. The film is a story of an old bartender, General S. Maczek, who is talking to one of his former soldiers in a Scottish bar, where he used to work. They begin to remember the old times and the story of the 1st Polish Armoured Division ...                

Rafał Geremek- journalist, director and screenwriter, creator of commercial adds and films promoting Poland.

For the documentary film "Slaughter of Wola/Rzeź Woli" received the award for the best television documentary film

at the History Film Festival in Rijeka in 2018.

  • Short animated film entitled "Marian on War" (10 min)

During World War II, Marian Walentynowicz was, among others, war correspondent, assigned to the 1st Armoured Division of General Maczek. He photographed and created hundreds of drawings, often humorous, depicting armed effort, as well as the daily experiences of Polish soldiers. Walentynowicz's rich legacy allowed the production of a short animated film “Marian on War” inspired by the artist's colorful experiences.

Marian Walentynowicz is a precursor of the Polish comic books and also an illustrator of many book publications, mainly for children, including a picture about the adventures of “Koziołek Matołek/Matołek the Billy-Goat” and” Małpka/Monkey Fiki Miki”.

Films produced by the Polish History Museum as part of the project “General Stanisław Maczek and his soldiers "

  • Reception