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Honorary Consul Jean-Marie De Baerdemaeker passed away on November 20, 2021


With great sadness we inform about the passing of Jean-Marie De Baerdemaeker, a great friend of Poland in Belgium.

Jean-Marie De Baerdemaeker

Jean-Marie De Baerdemaeker was the Honorary Consul of Poland in Ghent since 2006. His involvement in Polish matters started in 1999 when he came to Cracow to work as a vice president of the First Polish-American Bank. He was always committed to support and develop Polish-Belgian business contacts and worked – firstly – as a managing director, and then, as a board member in the BEPOLUX – the Belgian-Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

A very active consul, he supported Polonia not only in Ghent but everywhere in Flanders, always present at commemorations of the Polish soldiers liberating Belgium as well as on events for the young generations of Poles, organized by the Polish schools in Ghent. He was always there to assist and advice consuls in Brussels in many difficult cases brought up by our compatriots.

The officer of the Belgian Order of Leopold, awarded by the President of Poland with the Officer Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.

He died in Essene, Belgium, last Saturday, November 20, 2021 at the age of 75.

His death causes a great loss for the Polish Diplomatic Service in Belgium.


He will be sorely missed.
