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Polish Run in Brussels, 2021


More than 300 runners took part in the Polish Run, 5th (post-pandemic) edition


The 2021 Polish Run in Brussels that took place on the beautiful morning of September 5th was an occasion for a great fun for both the runners and the supporters. ”I am really happy to see so many runners today despite all odds of the pandemic times” – said Michał Szczepura, the head of the Podlaskie Regional Office in  Brussels.  This year’s run has been organized as a part of the big Brussels running event Trail Meyboom Brussels. It is a perfect idea to organize the Polish Run together with the Belgian runners organization – it brings more visibility to the Polish initiative and we can invite even more people from Belgium to run together with the Poles living here – said Dagmara Jasińska, the Consul of Poland.

Here are the winners in the female category: Charlotte Van Hese, Dorothée Cupers and Ewa Sokołowska and the fastest men were: Elmetoui Abdeslam, Hamid Ezmouaziz i Paweł Wójcik.

Our congratulations to the winners and all the finishers. See you next year!

The Polish Run in Brussels is a joint initiative of the East Poland House in Brussels and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels.

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