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POLCYBER 2024 - Polish-Cypriot Cybersecurity Forum


The second edition of the forum, which, in addition to the official part, includes the presentation of the Polish offer of innovative technologies in the field of information security, as well as meetings and exchange of experiences of Polish and Cypriot entrepreneurs.


POLCYBER 2024 - Polish-Cypriot Cybersecurity Forum (2nd edition)

Organizer: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Nicosia, Polish-Cypriot Chamber of Commerce

Partners: Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), Polish Investment & Trade Agency PPFR Group (PAiH), Commissioner of Communications, Cyprus Cybersecurity Coordination Centre, Enterprise Europe Network

Date and place of the event: 28/06/2024, KEVE, Nicosia, Cyprus

Representatives of the Polish administration: Deputy Director of the Department of Cyber Security of the Ministry of Digital Affaires of the Republic of Poland, Mr Michał Pukaluk

Representatives of the Cypriot administration: Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikodemos Damianou, Chief Scientist of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Demetris Skourides and the Head of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Stavros Stavrou.

Event structure: official part, presentation of Polish companies, B2B meetings

Goal: Building the image of Poland as a supplier of technologically advanced products and services - cybersecurity

Event description:

The second edition of the forum, which, in addition to the official part, includes the presentation of the Polish offer of innovative technologies in the field of information security, as well as meetings and exchange of experiences of Polish and Cypriot entrepreneurs.


- representatives of the banking, financial, shipping and tourism sectors and companies with extensive IT infrastructure selected by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and local chambers (in the administrative, insurance, shipping and fintech industries);

- representatives of administration and academic circles.

Cybersec area that will be the subject of the seminar: services related to securing IT infrastructure within corporations and institutions against various external online threats, including: malware, spyware, ransomware, as well as against leakage of confidential information, against bots, against information theft, against so-called APT (advanced persistent threats).

The event will include presentations of Polish enterprises in the field of:

- 7/24 hour monitoring of IT infrastructure using so-called security operation centre i.e. a remote operations centre;
- wireless network security analysis;
- analysis of current IT infrastructure security, penetration tests (white/black/gray box), security audits,

 - presentation of Polish achievements in the field of innovations, research and development and digital transformation over the past decade.

Polish companies that confirmed participation: 


Forum agenda (preliminary plan):

9:00 – 9:20 Registration

9:20 – 9:40 Welcome speeches

Mr. Marek Szczepanowski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Cyprus

Mr. Przemysław Pokorny, President – ​​Polish-Cypriot Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Stavros Stavrou, Head of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI)

9:40 – 10:40 Keynote speeches

Mr Nikodemos Damianou, Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy of the Republic of Cyprus 

Mr Michał Pukaluk, Deputy Director of the Department of Cyber Security of the Ministry of Digital Affaires of the Republic of Poland 

Mr Demetris Skourides, Chief Scientist of the Republic of Cyprus 

10:40 – 10:50 Q&A

10:50 – 11:00 Coffee break 

11:00 12:00 Presentations of Polish companies

12:00 – 12:10 Q&A and closing remarks

12:10 – 13:30 Networking reception with light lunch (opportunity for B2B meetings)


The event is in line with the provisions of the MoU between the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy of the Republic of Cyprus on Cybersecurity and Cyber Cooperation (signed in 2021)
