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Fair and green transformation – the Polish-Danish webinar


On 26 October the Embassy of the Republic of Poland together with the Confederation of Danish Industry organized a webinar on Polish energy and climate policy and Polish-Danish cooperation in this field.


Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, opened the webinar. Undersecretary of State outlined the goals of the Polish green transformation and the main challenges that Poland is facing in the process of replacing coal with renewable energy sources. "Poland is determined to join the EU climate and energy policy, implementing common goals and obligations," emphasized A. Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, referring also to Polish priorities, such as just transition, zero-emission energy system and clean air.


The support mechanism for achieving the set goals and the available support programs were presented by Artur Lorkowski, Vice President of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. He noted that in the coming years, Poland expects significant investments in green technologies and transformation of the energy system towards zero emissions. Noteworthy is the prosumer movement and support granted to individual households, which received a great interest in Poland.


Representing the Polish Wind Energy Association, Janusz Gajowiecki presented the potential of the wind sector - both onshore and offshore. Wind energy will play a key role in the Polish green transformation, contributing to the generation of up to 20 GW of energy in the future. Onshore wind alone is already responsible for over 6 GW of installed capacity. Legislative work accompanies the strengthening of the sector's development.


Jacek Szymczak, president of the Polish District Heating Chamber of Commerce, presented the potential for transformation of heating and cogeneration. Poland, currently having 71% of coal in its energy mix, faces a very big challenge to decarbonise the heating sector, which will be possible by the development of technologies related to “power to heat”.


The great interest in the webinar with over 130 participants showed the huge potential of bilateral cooperation and the need for further dialogue on the exchange of mutual experiences in the field of energy transformation.
